Search query for job titles, descriptions, or organization names. Supports fuzziness and boosting.
"Software Engineer"
Number of results to return. Defaults to 50.
Offset for pagination. Defaults to 0.
Field to sort by. Defaults to creation_date
Sort order. Defaults to desc
Filter jobs by their creation date. Accepts either a specific date or a full datetime.
Filter for jobs published since the specified date.
Filter for jobs published on a specific date. Accepts either a specific date or a datetime range.
Filter jobs by title.
"Data Scientist"
Filter jobs by the hiring organization's name. Comma-separated for multiple organizations.
Filter jobs by country. Comma-separated for multiple countries.
Filter jobs by employment type. Accepted values include open text, or standardized employment types (e.g., "FULL_TIME", "PART_TIME", "INTERNSHIP", etc.).
Filter jobs by language.
Filter jobs by industry. Comma-separated for multiple industries.
Filter jobs by occupational category. Comma-separated for multiple categories.
Filter jobs by domain. Comma-separated for multiple domains.
Specify fields for faceted search. Aggregates results by the specified fields.
Search results with matching jobs and facets.
Indicates if the operation was successful.
Total number of search results.